This is not a post about how FastPass Plus has ruined Walt Disney World. I’m definitely not the president of its fan club, but I can see the benefits of Disney’s line management system in certain cases.… Read more...
Smart talk and stories behind the magic of theme parks
by Dan Heaton // 4 Comments
This is not a post about how FastPass Plus has ruined Walt Disney World. I’m definitely not the president of its fan club, but I can see the benefits of Disney’s line management system in certain cases.… Read more...
by Dan Heaton // Leave a Comment
We’re all familiar with the power of the Disney marketing machine. No matter how much it costs, the allure of the Disney parks is too strong. Statements like “the happiest place on Earth just got happier” in vacation planning videos sound less ridiculous than they should.… Read more...
by Dan Heaton // 3 Comments
“Walt Disney was not content to be the most influential entertainment figure of the 20th century; he also wanted to become the most influential urban planner of the 21st century.” – Sam Gennawey, Walt and the Promise of Progress City
When most people think of Disney theme parks, it brings to mind Mickey Mouse, princesses, and creating magic.… Read more...